Architectural Design Services

Low energy and low carbon – Passivhaus and Sustainability.

Creating a sustainable built environment is fundamental to our design philosophy. Global warming and declining fossil fuel resources make it imperative that we understand our energy use and seek to reduce our demand for fossil fuels. The energy used by the UK’s buildings accounts for 47% of the country’s total CO2 emissions.

However, sustainability is not just about energy use. At ZONE Architects Ltd we endeavour to make buildings which will endure, which will weather well, and, where we are working within the fabric of historic cities, towns or landscapes, are at least as good as their neighbours. Flexibility and robust construction are key factors to this end.

Sustainability is given prominence within the design process for each of our projects: it can’t be bolted on later. We establish a sustainability or an energy section within the brief and this is considered at the outset. The brief would typically aim to set targets for reducing energy demand and the provision of on-site energy generation.

With each project, we aim to develop an understanding of the holistic nature of building design: questions of thermal mass, ventilation, daylighting, building materials and site orientation all have to be considered from the outset. The primary concern is to reduce energy demand – get the basics right. This includes site selection and layout, sheltering, orientation and opportunities for passive solar gain. Building insulation and airtightness is the first priority to reducing energy demand and are considered before the introduction of solar panels or other active measures.


211 Granton Road, 
Edinburgh EH5 1HD


211 Granton Road, 
Edinburgh EH5 1HD


0131 551 1973

Opening hours: 09:30 – 17:30


0131 551 1973

Opening hours: 09:30 – 17:30


0131 551 1973

Opening hours: 09:30 – 17:30


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Registered in Scotland. Company Number: SC629841

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Registered in Scotland. Company Number: SC629841

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© ZONE Architects 2017. All rights reserved.
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Registered in Scotland. Company Number: SC629841

Website - Form by Thought